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Egypt to hold 1st training program for municipal African officials

The National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (NIGSD) – the training arm of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development – announced the launch of the first training program for officials at municipal councils in African countries as a scholarship.

That program will take place in cooperation with the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development (EAPD Egypt) , the arm of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for supporting the efforts of African countries in implementing Africa’s Agenda 2063 as a main partner in the program.

This will be done through virtual education platform on April 2-6 for five continuous days under the title “Governance and Sustainable Development and their Impact on Organizational Goals and Performance”.

The training program comes within the framework of the Egyptian government’s keenness to effectively contribute to sustainable development efforts in the African continent, and in support of Egyptian efforts in building African cadres that have the necessary capabilities to achieve ambitions and agenda Africa 2063.