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Egypt to establish an industrial zone, expand private sector role in Sudan: Gamea

Egypt is planning to establish an industrial zone in Sudan to facilitate the establishment of joint projects, according to Egypt’s Minister of Trade and Industry.

The new industrial zone will be implemented by the private sector to boost the economic integration between the two sides, Egypt’s Minister of Trade and Industry Niveen Gamea.

Gamea made the announcement during an extended discussion in Khartoum with the Sudanese Minister of Trade and Industry Abbas Madany and a number of Sudanese officials, in the attendance of Egypt’s Ambassador to Sudan Hossam Eissa.

The session was held on the sidelines of Gamea’s visit to Sudan to represent Egypt in the 38th round of the Khartoum International Expo.

Egypt is the expo’s guest of honour in its current round.

Gamea called on Sudan to hold the joint trade committee in Cairo to discuss the technical aspects regarding the trade flow between the two countries, noting that trade exchange between Egypt and Sudan recorded $862 million in 2020.

She added that Egypt’s exports to Sudan amounted to $496 million, while Egypt’s imports from Sudan recorded $366 billion in 2020.

Chemicals, processed products, machines, foodstuffs, textiles, transport means, livestock, and agricultural products are the main traded goods between the two countries, according to Gamea.

The minister pointed out to the possibility of boosting industrial cooperation between the two sides in pharmaceutical industries and increasing Egyptian pharmaceutical exports to Sudan.

“Egypt is willing to extend its economic support to brotherly Sudan in the ongoing transitional phase. Egypt’s business community is also keen on establishing partnerships with the country in line with Sudan’s agenda for industrial and infrastructure projects it targets to establish,” said Gamea.

Gamea discussed with the Sudanese minister of transport and infrastructure the possibility of participating in the Sudanese capital triangle zone improvement project that includes establishing bridges, renewing sanitation networks and rerouting roads through partnering with Egypt’s private sector.

Madany said that Sudan is eager to enhance economic cooperation prospects with Egypt, especially in the industrial sector, as Sudan targets producing high value-added products by establishing private sector partnerships between the two countries.